
Town Hall Thursday!

Graduate Student Town Hall occurs once per semester. It is a venue for graduate students to share their concerns with the department, ask questions, and give suggestions directly to the department chair, graduate committee, and graduate advisor. Past town halls inspired the graduate student Slack, the CSGSA, and demand-based course scheduling.

  • Time: Apr 4, 2019 3:30 PM Mountain Time (US and Canada)
  • Location: ECCR 265
  • Join remotely via Zoom Meeting conference call
  • Tentative agenda includes
    • Support system for student concerns (information sheet)
    • Course requirements
    • Open question and answer

Submit Questions

This semester, in addition to asking questions live at the town hall, you can also submit questions online anonymously. We hope this option will encourage more students to raise their issues. Ask a question now and any time up-to and including during the town hall.

Submit an anonymous question

Research Expo Sign Up

CSGSA is hosting our annual research expo on April 18th from 3:00 to 6:00 pm in DLC. Present your research to your peers, gain some practice with conference style presentations, and learn about other computer science research at CU!

This year there are prizes in 3 different categories - Works in progress, Published/Submitted Research, and Demos.

The first 40 people who have signed up for poster presentations will get a poster printed for free (2ft by 3ft).

Sign up for the Expo
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