2023 group

Who are we?

The Computer Science Graduate Students Association (CSGSA) at the University of Colorado Boulder is a vibrant community spearheaded by and for computer science graduate students. Our mission is to foster community among graduate students within the Department of Computer Science and its affiliated departments/institutes. CSGSA is fundamentally a student-led body that thrives on the dedication and involvement of its members. The success of our initiatives and activities is a direct result of the passionate efforts of student leaders, representatives, and volunteers who tirelessly work to represent and support their peers.

What do we do?

CSGSA organizes a wide range of activities including social events and professional development events, serving as a central forum for graduate student representation. We advocate for the interests of graduate students within the department and the broader university administration, aiming to holistically support graduate students throughout their academic journey.

Our Origin Story

Founded in the academic year 2017-2018, CSGSA was born out of necessity during a period of significant growth within the department—marked by the arrival of a lot of new faculty members. Initially, graduate student interactions were coordinated by a social board and representation on various committees was sporadic and ad-hoc. The expansion highlighted the need for a structured support system for graduate students, prompted by concerns such as rising living costs and the need for stronger community connections.

From discussions at a pivotal town hall meeting, and insights from a belonging and wellness report, it became clear that a more formal organization was needed. CSGSA was envisioned to consolidate existing structures and enhance them around three tenets:

  1. Providing graduate student representation to the department, college, and university.
  2. Supporting social events that build a sense of community among graduate students.
  3. Fostering professional development to prepare graduate students for their future careers.

CSGSA started with modest initiatives like hosting happy hours and electing representatives to various committees. This gradually fostered a tight-knit community, supported immensely by faculty members who helped secure a budget for more extensive activities including boardgame nights, ice cream socials, and events with delicious food.

Full Circle

It’s a full-circle moment for CSGSA, as the organization that emerged from a town hall discussion is now responsible for hosting these very town hall meetings. This role not only underscores our foundational goal of robust representation and support but also highlights our ongoing commitment to enhance the graduate student experience at CU Boulder.

What have we achieved?

Over the years, CSGSA has been instrumental in numerous initiatives that have significantly enhanced the graduate student experience. Highlights include:

  1. Reducing the cost for internship credits,
  2. Establishing Project Accountability,
  3. Advancing DEIA initiatives,
  4. Securing Overleaf Premium for PhD students,
  5. Advocating for better wages for TAs and RAs in response to the increasing cost of living,
  6. Pursuing the creation of a dedicated lounge space for graduate students, enhancing the quality of student life on campus,
  7. Influencing curriculum changes, where feedback from CSGSA led to the reduction of required breadth courses from five to three, directly impacting degree flexibility and student workload.

These achievements are a testament to the collaborative spirit and dedication of our members who continue to drive CSGSA’s mission forward, making it an indispensable part of the CU Boulder community.